Software intern designing and implementing automated end-to-end latency test for the Surface.
Studying Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Olin College of Engineering. Check out some of the projects I've worked on!
Software intern designing and implementing automated end-to-end latency test for the Surface.
Software engineering avionics intern working on pre-flight checks and database creation.
Vehicle test intern building pothole detection algorithm.
Working with superconducting SFQ circuits for faster digital computing.
Designing a sensing suite for suspension testing and data collection.
Designing, fabricating, and assembling a race car suspension system.
Building a silicone fin using nitinol wire for soft actuation.
Designing and implementing logic to control a touch screen using an FPGA.
Programming a Pokemon-style gesture-controlled game using PyGame and the MediaPipe API.
Team project building a ramen dispenser using a two-axis gantry system with an ordering website.
Using the Alpaca API and Reddit API to compare real versus expected stock prices.
Implementing Huffman encoding in Golang using trees and a doubly-linked list.