Gesture-Controlled Game

I created a Pokemon-style gesture-controlled game using PyGame and the MediaPipe API, which allowed
me to use OpenCV for hand detection. Our website is linked here, and
our GitHub repository can be accessed here.
The goal of this project was to create a game using a specific module, controller,
and view structure, which breaks up a game into three subsets which come together in a file.
I was able to learn more about object-oriented programming, API usage, and the importance of testing the ease of usability
of the game.
In this game, you control Cheems, who has three moves: attack, defend, or magic. Depending on the direction
that you sweep your hand, Cheems will perform a certain action. The logic for Cheems' moves is within the module section of our code.
The controller files hold the OpenCV controls in which we determine the movement thresholds for when a move is registered. The view files hold
the sprites, health bar images, background, and logic for changing sprites and health bars.